Solutions for measurement and control applications
Sensor measurement
PC/104 8 channel RTD interface
PC/104 8 channel thermocouple interface
PC/104 8 channel thermistor interface
PC/104 8 channel strain gauge interface
Ethernet 16 channel thermocouple interface
Voltage measurement
Voltage output
Ethernet compact analog output
Expandable Ethernet analog output
Motor control
PCI Express 6 axis incremental encoder interface
PC/104 4 Axis incremental encoder interface
USB incremental encoder interface with video overlay
Timing functions
PCI Express (PCIe) 6 channel frequency counter
PCI Express 6 channel pulse width measurement
Digital I/O
Ethernet expandable 48 digital I/O
Ethernet compact 48 digital I/O
Digital output
Expandable 48 Ethernet digital output
Compact Ethernet Control of 48 digital outputs
Multi-function I/O
PCI Express (PCIe) ADC, DAC, and GPIO
PCI Express DAC and GPIO with fail-safe outputs
PCI Express interface board for control loaders
PCI Express advanced counters with timestamps and event FIFOs
Solid state relay
PCI Express solid state relay interface