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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:31, 2 March 20202426 photo.jpg (file)203 KBJL 1
08:43, 28 February 2020Design assistant.gif (file)2 KBJL (2600 Design Assistant icon)1
16:38, 20 February 20192610 photo.jpg (file)129 KBJL (Sensoray model 2610 48-channel digital I/O)2
12:51, 8 August 2018422 photo.jpg (file)191 KBJL (Model 422)1
12:49, 27 July 2018826 pinout P2.gif (file)4 KBJL (Pinout of connector P2 on model 826)1
14:07, 3 January 20182652 53 photo.jpg (file)93 KBJL (2652/2653 modules)1
14:07, 3 January 20182620 photo.jpg (file)171 KBJL (2620 module)1
14:06, 3 January 20182608 photo.jpg (file)131 KBJL (2608 module)1
14:05, 3 January 20182601 photo.jpg (file)138 KBJL (2601 module)1
14:04, 3 January 20182600 photo.jpg (file)169 KBJL (2600 system modules)1
14:46, 11 December 20172410TA photo.jpg (file)67 KBJL (Model 2410TA termination board, which can be top-mounted to a 2410 module to add convenient field wiring terminal blocks. The spring-loaded terminals allow quick connection of 24-16 gauge wires.)1
15:00, 27 September 2017Vfd wiring yes.gif (file)7 KBJL (This is the correct way to connect a DAC to a VFD. Note that a dedicated conductor is used for the analog ground. This effectively makes the connection a differential pair, and completely avoids ground loop problems.)1
14:58, 27 September 2017Vfd wiring no2.gif (file)9 KBJL (Don't do this! It won't create a ground loop, but it may cause a DC offset voltage at the VFD voltage input because the 826 GND signal is probably not the same voltage as the VFD analog common (chassis ground).)1
14:55, 27 September 2017Vfd wiring no1.gif (file)9 KBJL (Don't do this! It creates a ground loop that may cause a DC offset voltage and/or couple noise onto the VFD's voltage input.)1
11:19, 11 August 2017826 pinout J5.gif (file)15 KBJL 1
11:19, 11 August 2017826 pinout J4.gif (file)14 KBJL 1
11:19, 11 August 2017826 pinout J3.gif (file)30 KBJL 1
11:18, 11 August 2017826 pinout J2.gif (file)30 KBJL 1
11:18, 11 August 2017826 pinout J1.gif (file)31 KBJL 1
15:05, 7 August 20172410 telnet help.png (file)13 KBJL (2410 telnet command overview. To see this info, open a telnet session on the 2410 and type 'help'. To see more detailed info about a command, type 'help <command>' (e.g., 'help wdo').)1
08:52, 22 May 2017826 software stack.png (file)13 KBJL (Simplified 826 software stack)1
10:30, 17 May 2017826DemoAdc.png (file)40 KBJL (826 VB.NET demo screenshot, ADC tab)1
10:29, 17 May 2017826DemoDac.png (file)30 KBJL (826 VB.NET demo screenshot, DAC tab)1
14:12, 16 May 2017826DemoGeneral.png (file)33 KBJL (Screenshot, 826 VB.NET demo program, General tab, showing Write-enable Data checked.)1
14:11, 16 May 2017826DemoDio.png (file)23 KBJL (Screenshot, 826 VB.NET demo program, showing dio0 configured as counter0 output.)1
14:10, 16 May 2017Counter0.png (file)42 KBJL (Screenshot, 826 VB.NET demo program, showing counter0 configured as encoder interface.)1
14:09, 16 May 2017826DemoCounter1.png (file)41 KBJL (Screenshot, 826 VB.NET demo program, showing counter1 configured as 1-shot)1
10:44, 26 April 2017StepperMotorDriver.png (file)4 KBJL (The input section of a simple stepper motor driver.)1
09:16, 18 April 2017SwitchBounce.png (file)5 KBJL (Switch contact bounce viewed on an oscilloscope. )1
08:40, 18 April 2017PanelMountEncoder.jpg (file)113 KBJL (A panel mount incremental encoder with integrated pushbutton. This image was derived from Wikimedia Commons file Rot_enc.JPG and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.)1
08:13, 18 April 2017IncrementalEncoder.jpg (file)80 KBJL (An incremental encoder. This image was derived from Wikimedia Commons file Encoder_incremental Dynapar_B58N.jpg and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.)1
07:36, 18 April 2017TouchProbe.jpg (file)4 KBJL (A touch-trigger probe)1
15:47, 29 March 2017518 photo.jpg (file)246 KBJL (Reverted to version as of 17:48, 11 March 2016)3
07:31, 1 March 2017826 3Phase pwm.png (file)32 KBJL (fixed dio/counter routability)3
16:42, 28 February 2017826 quadrature gen.gif (file)16 KBJL (corrected dio/counter matching)2
09:49, 22 February 2017826 estop.gif (file)7 KBJL (A robust way to connect a 24VDC emergency-stop contact to model 826.)1
08:18, 9 November 2016826 ttl encoder.gif (file)27 KBJL (Wiring diagram showing how to connect two TTL/CMOS-compatible single-ended incremental encoders to the 826 board using counter channels 0 and 1.)1
12:15, 4 November 2016826 encoder FLT.png (file)13 KBJL (Using an 826 counter channel to monitor an incremental encoder's active-low FAULT output. The differential pair is swapped between line driver and receiver so that a disconnected or unpowered encoder will be recognized as a fault.)1
12:02, 1 September 2016SmartAD pinout.gif (file)39 KBJL (Connector pinout used by Sensoray Smart A/D boards (e.g., model 418, 419, 518, 618, 619). For each sensor channel x (in range 0:7), PHx/PLx supply excitation to a passive sensor (if needed) and SHx/SLx are the differential analog inputs. TREF and +12V ...)1
10:54, 4 August 2016Clock filter minimum.png (file)13 KBJL (826 counter timing diagram showing external clock filtering with zero filter delay (filter is disabled).)1
10:53, 4 August 2016Clock filter general.png (file)19 KBJL (826 counter timing diagram showing general case for external clock filtering.)1
10:51, 4 August 2016826 counter timing.png (file)21 KBJL 2
06:33, 9 June 2016826 serial data capture.png (file)7 KBJL (Using an 826 counter channel to capture data from a serial data source. Each data edge causes a counter snapshot that contains a reason code and timestamp.)1
09:32, 26 May 20162410.jpg (file)81 KBJL (Model 2410 is a compact open-frame module that interfaces 48 general-purpose TTL/CMOS compatible digital input/output (DIO) signals to Ethernet.)1
09:51, 11 May 2016826PwmWatchdog.gif (file)27 KBJL (show inverted DIO output; label DIO_out router)2
11:39, 21 March 2016518 power.jpg (file)171 KBJL (Power supply test points on model 518.)1
15:56, 4 April 20142255 photo.jpg (file)68 KBJL (Model 2255)1
15:41, 4 April 2014826 photo.jpg (file)1.81 MBJL (Sensoray model 826 board)1
15:31, 4 April 20142226 photo.jpg (file)190 KBJL (Sensoray Model 2226)1
15:09, 25 April 2013AdgGroundReference.gif (file)8 KBJL (cropped)2

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